
Moo Duk Kwan® alumni and supporters abound worldwide and students seeking to participate in the National Festival may find that local sponsors and supporters also abound - IF YOU ASK THEM.

It's easy.  You just say to them:

Many friends, relatives and even local businesses may be willing to sponsor a portion of your participation costs when you explain the nature of the event to them and how exclusive the opportunity is since less than 13% of all students nationwide ever participate in the National Festival.

Sponsors will be published on our websites and acknowledged for their contributions; however, you must ask them in order for them to even become aware of the opportunity to support your participation and our event.


Sponsor Yourself

Sponsor Yourself

Enter Festival Giveaways and share awareness of the event with others to earn more entries and you might even win and sponsor yourself! 🙂 No purchase necessary to enter. It's easy and takes only a minute. Do it! Enter Festival Giveaways      [...]
Sponsors on Photo Backdrop 2017

Sponsors on Photo Backdrop 2017

Solicit local businesses in communities around Moo Duk Kwan® schools Submit payment using the link on this page to secure one of the seven (7) Photo Backdrop Spots (Only 7 Available) Upload artwork on this page for Photo Backdrop Image of the sponsor or email to headquarters@soobahkdo.com [pdf-embedder url="https://festival.soobahkdo.org/files/2017/04/business-sponsors-v2.pdf"]  [...]
Sponsors of Individuals 2017

Sponsors of Individuals 2017

Some dedicated students who are determined to attend the National Festival despite the time and costs involved may also seek to acquire sponsors from among family, friends and local businesses to help offset the costs of attending. You can do it and we've provided a couple of sponsorship forms to help you out below.  Moo Duk Kwan® alumni and supporters abound worldwide and students seeking to participate[...]

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